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Tag Archives: forest
A lonely wolf at
Check out my latest photo from Instagram A lonely wolf at Night. Airbrushed on a plasticpanel. Used Vallejo, createx and Citadel Colors. Tagged: art airbrush airbrushing forest wolf diy umrdesign stencil stepbystep fantasy plastic moon night mond nacht createxcolors vallejo … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged airbrush, airbrushing, art, citadelpaints, createxcolors, diy, fantasy, forest, mond, moon, nacht, night, plastic, stencil, stepbystep, umrdesign, vallejo, wolf Leave a comment
Another finished Work. Reworked
Check out my latest photo from Instagram Another finished Work. Reworked a Clock i just got from good friends. Just airbrushed the backside and turned the Clockwork to the other side. Got a step by step stencil from umrdesign and … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged airbrush, airbrushing, art, clock, clockdesign, diy, fantasy, forest, stencil, stepbystep, umrdesign, wolf Leave a comment